According to research, physicians are more likely than the general population to abuse alcohol or prescription medication. They are also less likely than the general population to seek help. One study showed that 15% of physicians are impaired during at least one point in their careers. The case of Medical Protective v. Duma is just one peak behind the curtain of hospital secrecy. In this case, Duma induced labor in his patient then went to a park and drank a fifth of vodka and returned to deliver the baby. The child suffered a severe birth injury. Unfortunately, this is not as rare an event as one might think. Most often, the patient has no idea if her physician is impaired by alcohol or prescription drugs when he is treating her. This is just one more reason to contact your legislator and recruit him or her to remove secrecy from the hospital laws that protect impaired physicians who injure their patients.
For more information on birth injuries, please call Girards Law Firm toll free at 888-897-2762