In honor of President John F. Kennedy, The Girards Law Firm has made a large donation of equipment and furniture to the John F. Kennedy Learning Center in Dallas TX in anticipation of the JFK "Day of Service" on November 23, 2013. President Kennedy's name-sake school in Dallas is in the midst of an impoverished but strong neighborhood in East Dallas. Virtually all of the children attending the school are minority, most are walked to school daily by their parents, and it is the home of one of the few Autism Centers in the region. Principal Carmela Levy-David's zeal for teaching these children is palpable and great things are happening there. She also reports they are now seeing second-generation students - students whose parents graduated from the school. While the donation is intended to help fill some immediate needs at the school, there are a lot of urgent needs than must be addressed for these kids. For more information on what you can do to help the JFK Learning Center achieve its mission, please download the packet available here, which outlines many things you can do to help.
For more information contact The Girards Law Firm at 888-333-9709