TIA or transient ischemic attack is a precursor to an ischemic stroke. Many patients are fortunate enough to get into medical treatment prior to the TIA becoming a full fledged strroke. Although TIA patients have the same one-year risk of death or re-hospitalization a new study shows that they do not get the treatment they need. The study that is being published soon is entitled "One-year outcomes from the Adherence Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke-Longitudinal Registry,” by DaiWai M. Olson, Ph.D., Margueritte Cox, M.S., Wenqin Pan, Ph.D., and others in the Journal of Stroke and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2013. Even though the recommendations for secondary prevention of stroke after TIA is the same as for post-ischemic-stroke patients, the researchers found TIA patients were not getting the proper care.
TIA incidents happen about 500,000 times per year in the USA. The current estimate of 795,000 new or recurrent strokes per year is expected to grow.
If your loved one has suffered a TIA then it is time to re-evaluate the medical plan of care to assure:
1. low-density lipoprotein testing has been accomplished
2. symptoms have been fully evaluated
3. Statins and diabetes medicines are being used as appropriate
4. warfarin is used as appropriate.
For more inforamtion or questions about any medical malpractice issue, contact the Dallas lawyers at Girards Law Firm at 888-897-2762