You may be the type of person who prefers to avoid confrontation and trouble, but when your health and future are on the line, you need to consider if the settlement seems that fair. There's a very good chance the insurance company is low-balling you so they can make the "problem" go away without losing too much money. Before you accept, you need to look at the true cost of your accident—vehicle repairs, medical bills, lost income, future rehabilitation, and whether or not you'll be able to return to work. The amount you're entitled to is probably a lot more than the figure the insurance company threw your way.
If the insurance company is trying to get you to agree to a settlement, we recommend calling our car crash law firm as soon as possible. Your first consultation is completely free, so you'll be able to receive some solid legal advice and, hopefully, the confidence to fight for the compensation you need to continue on after your accident. Our attorneys will review the settlement the insurance company has offered and determine if it's in your best interest to accept or move forward with legal action.
No matter what you decide to do, just remember that once you accept that settlement from the insurance company, there's a good chance you won't be able to change your mind. If you accept it and later realize you needed more, you're probably out of luck. Don't agree to anything you're not sure of. Consult a professional first!
If you need help after a car crash in Texas, Oklahoma, or Arkansas, contact Girards Law for a free consultation at 888-897-2762.