House Explosions Due To Mechanical Damage in Gas Pipeline Networks
Home explosions due to natural gas leaks continue to be a source of horrific injuries and deaths across the country. Most people don’t realize the significant risks associated with recognized problems with unrecognized mechanical damage to pipes in the pipeline distribution networks in natural gas distribution systems that the operators of those pipelines have failed to correct. According to government resources, natural gas distribution networks are plagued by problems with mechanical damage to pipes caused by various operations around pipelines. Mechanical damage can often lead to gas leaks and resulting fires or explosions.
U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Office of Pipeline Safety has published reports and advisories on mechanical damage to natural gas pipeline distribution networks. Unfortunately, many pipeline operators fail to adhere to these standards. Such failures oftentimes are only revealed when a gas leak results in an explosion.
You can read US DOT Gas Pipeline Mechanical Damage Report by clicking here.
If you or a loved one is injured or has died as a result of a natural gas leak, fire or explosion please call 214-346-9529 for a free consultation.