Although there are many skilled and highly trained doctors in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, medical malpractice is still a devastating reality for all too many patients. The number of patients who experience the life-changing realization that their medical treatment went wrong is small, but when it happens, there can be serious consequences.

The following are the five most common forms of medical negligence in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas:

  • Surgical Errors. Surgical errors may involve medical equipment being left inside a patient, incorrect limbs being operated on, or unnecessary surgeries. Each of these mistakes puts patients’ lives at risk.
  • Drug Errors. Drug errors occur when a doctor or nurse administers the wrong medicine or incorrect dosage. Pharmacists may dispense the wrong drug, or a doctor may prescribe two drugs that are known to interact dangerously. Any of these errors can cause serious side effects and may even have a fatal outcome.
  • Anesthesia Errors. When a person goes under anesthesia, the anesthesiologist must maintain a delicate balance. If the doctor does something wrong, it could cost the patient to be permanently disabled or have fatal consequences.
  • Birth Injuries.  Babies’ bodies are very delicate and require special care. Negligence during childbirth in Texas, Oklahoma or Arkansas can lead to cerebral palsy, brain damage, or harm to the mother.
  • Misdiagnosis. Perhaps the most common form of medical negligence is misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose an injury. When a doctor fails to properly diagnose a patient, important treatments may be missed causing more health risks—and the patient may be exposed to perilous medical interventions for an illness she does not have.

If your family has been a victim of one of these types of medical negligence in Oklahoma, Texas, or Arkansas, you may need the help of an attorney to prove your case. Contact us, your Dallas medical malpractice attorneys, to learn more about your potential compensation. Call the Girards Law Firm today at 214-556-4550 or toll-free at 888-809-4681.

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