The Girards Law Firm team understands the confusion you face as you move forward with your personal injury or wrongful death claim. With regular updates to this blog, you can stay informed and get the helpful advice you need. We will also be posting here other helpful information on medical, legal, and social issues to keep you informed.
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In Commemoration of MLKCommemoration Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights
Texas Supreme Court: Plaintiff has BOP of TTCA CapsGulf Coastal Center v Curry Texas Supreme Court: Plaintiff has BOP of TTCA Caps
Texas Supreme Court: Employee Personal Errands do not Create Employer LiabilityCameron v Martinez Texas Supreme Court Special Mission Coming and Going Rule
11th Circuit US Court of Appeals: "No One is Above the Law"
In re Barnes: Dallas COA Affirms garden variety mental anguish claims are not exception to Mental Health Information PrivilegeDallas COA Affirms garden variety mental anguish claims are not exception to Mental Health Information Privilege
Medical Malpractice Claims Are Now Allowed to be Brought by US Soldiers
RSV/Flu Season 2022 Places Kids at High Risk; What You Need to Know NowRSV/Flu Season 2022 Places Kids at High Risk
Arkansas Court finds good cause to extend time for Service of Process
Rare Pro Se Victory in the Dallas Court of AppealsRare Pro Se Victory in the Dallas Court of Appeals Kim v. Adams 11/3/2022
Arkansas Supreme Court Confirms Class Action Certification
AR Supreme Court Enforces Class Action Waiver
AR Supreme Court Decides Complex Dispute Brought by Rice FarmersAR Supreme Court Decides Complex Rice Farmer Dispute Conversion Fraud Constructive Fraud civil conspiracy spoliation evidence